Planning & Strategy

Our Vision for Celbridge

We identified a need for a vision for the future of Celbridge, a vision that speaks to both community services and infrastructure development.  The vision will influence CCC internally in the provision of services.  It will shape the positions CCC takes on issues of Celbridge planning and development.  It also forms a basis for conversations with the broader communities of Celbridge and the various stakeholders including elected representatives and state bodies.

Our Vision for Celbridge is one for a town and community where:


  • Comprehensive social facilities, services and networks support wellbeing through all stages of life.
  • Vibrant amenities underpin arts and leisure activities.
  • We embrace our community identity and diversity, building on our culture and heritage.


  • The town centre is rejuvenated and people-focused with an inviting, historically sympathetic streetscape.
  • The River Liffey and adjoining historical estates are utilised to their full potential for both the people of Celbridge and visitors.
  • Active, accessible travel is encouraged through a sustainable local transport network.

For further detail, please read this position paper.
Development context for Celbridge

Celbridge is earmarked for development as a suburb of Dublin because of its location within the Greater Dublin Area Metropolitan Region. Celbridge has been designated a “Moderate Sustainable Growth Town” by the Greater Dublin Area Regional Planning Guidelines 2010 – 2022 and this has been reflected in the Kildare County Development Plan 2017 – 2023 (CDP) settlement strategy and in the Celbridge Local Area Plan 2017 – 2023 (LAP). Despite Celbridge having the 3rd largest population in Co. Kildare for almost 2 decades, with a 114% population growth rate since 1991, the smaller towns of Maynooth and Leixlip have both been designated “Large Growth Towns”. This would be fine if restraint was to be exercised in the rate of development planned for Celbridge but the proposed rate is as aggressive as in our neighbouring towns.

The National Spatial Strategy is being replaced by the “Ireland 2040” National Planning Framework but it’s unclear what, if any, impact this will have on the treatment of Celbridge in a planning context as the designation of “Moderate Sustainable Growth Town” came from the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area rather than from the National Spatial Strategy.

Celbridge Community Council’s submissions promote the following themes:

  1. Restraint must be exercised in the rate of Celbridge’s population growth in line with its designation as a “Moderate Sustainable Growth Town”.
  2. At the current level of population, serious social infrastructure deficits are evident within Celbridge. Until they are redressed, the town cannot absorb additional population.
  3. Completion of an additional river crossing is essential in the near term. Until it is built, the town cannot support the increased vehicular traffic arising from a population increase.
  4. Completion of a ring-road is essential to divert traffic from pinch points in the road network.
  5. Restraint must be exercised in delivery of new residential development thereby ensuring that physical and social infrastructure provisioning occurs as a prerequisite for all future development.
  6. Given Celbridge’s potential to develop into a primary tourism centre for the North East Kildare area, the preservation and promotion of culture and heritage needs to be paramount in planning decisions relating to the town. Consideration must to be given to provision of facilities to support Celbridge in fulfilling its potential as a tourism hub.
  7. Strengthening of the town centre by provision of public amenities and supporting the enhancement of the retail offering would invigorate the local economy.
  8. Public transport connectivity between Celbridge and surrounding areas must be prioritised in order to support the economic development strategies outlined in the County Development Plan
  9. The economic development of Celbridge is critical for sustainable growth. Special attention must be focused on generation of employment opportunities in industries that support sectors including, but not limited to, tourism and the knowledge based economy.

While it often feels that many observations made in submissions on public consultations are ignored, we have seen a number of examples of small alterations being made to plans as a direct result of points raised in our submissions.

We are always interested in hearing the views of residents from across the town to help shape any future submissions we make on planning and development proposals that have the potential to impact Celbridge.

Active plans

A number of existing strategic planning and development documents shape greatly the approach of local and central government towards developments, infrastructure and service provision in Celbridge.  These include

Plans under development

Key planning documents for Celbridge are expected to be created or updated in the next two to three years.  Approached in the right manner, they have strong potential to transform parts of Celbridge.

Firstly, the Celbridge Local Area Plan is due to be updated.  While the exact form of the new local area plan is unknown, at the very least, land zoning for Celbridge will need to be revised and updated.  To support this, the long-awaited Celbridge-Leixlip Area-Based Transport Plan will also need to be drafted.

Secondly, KCC has acquired two significant properties: the Parochial House and Donaghcumper.  These have much potential to address amenity deficits with sensitive approaches to development.  KCC's approach to consultation and planning around both is, at the time of writing (February 2025), still emerging, but CCC will monitor the situation closely.

If you are interested in working with CCC on these topics, please contact